Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)This book is a "page-turner", with a high-octane, credible plot, and well-defined characters. It presents a realistic tale about the perennial battle between the human attributes of noble character and egregious ambition, skillfully woven into a framework of Navy politics, professional maneuvering, and bureaucratic manipulations that rival the more visible, and more often read-about, machinations of Wall Street and other American Big Business. The self-serving, sometimes brutal behavior of several characters is silhouetted against the brave, self-sacrificing, and somewhat naive perspective of the main character, one reminiscent of the many other noble, well-meaning innocents who have gone off to tilt at the windmills of reality in the pursuit of good deeds and happy outcomes, the kind of hero all Americans love to cheer for.
In addition to an understanding of fundamental human nature and its constant struggle between right and wrong, Mr. Kallus has shown an unusual insight into the ways and means of human institutions and how they can be manipulated to either end.
A highly recommend read for those who savor a tale with a fast-paced plot and a strong lesson in human morality set into a military background.
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Captain Gus Lukenbach is a doctor who first joined the Navy as an aviator. He's accustomed to success and hungry for promotion to rear admiral. His next assignment must be a prestigious one if he is to win his star. Senior Medical Officer of an aircraft carrier might do it.But the Bureau of Naval Personnel thinks that medicine and flying don't mix, and Vice Admiral Griffin, head of the Navy's Medical Command, feels Gus hasn't "paid his dues." Griffin can convince the Navy's "barons" to blackball Gus when the selection board meets.Gus goes to billy Caldwell, a retired carrier skipper, for advice."Navy Medicine isn't the real Navy, Billy," grumbles an agitated Gus. "The admirals in the Pentagon don't hold the ones at BUMED accountable, so they get away with anything short of murder." Neither Gus nor Billy realizes the accuracy of the accusation.Nothing his friends can do will prevent Gusfrom being sent to the hospital at Newport. The place is run on favoritism and personal whim. For speaking out against the more egregious practices, he's exiled to USNS SOLACE, an ultramodern hospital ship converted from a massive tanker captured in Iraq. The ship is Vice Admiral Griffin's baby, to enhance his legacy. As a personal favor the Chief of Naval Operations authorized the bureaucratic sleight of hand to avoid legislative notice. A junketing congressman discovers the gigantic vessel steaming with the fleet, and denies its legitimacy.On his return to Newport, Gus learns a sailor died in the Alcohol Rehab Drydock: Failure of basic medical practice plain and simple, but the cover-up is already in place. Navy Medicine spares no effort to silence Gus. Not even an unprecedented inspection by the Army Inspector General can stop the vendetta!The length to which BUMED will go to terrorize the Lukenbach family is matched only by the subversion perpetrated by his friends to bring about justice, in the astonishing final round of this deadly, high-stakes game.
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