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(More customer reviews)In 1926, an enigmatic alchemist called Fulcanelli published a book called "Le Mystere des Cathedrales", or Mystery of the Cathedrals, which explains how Gothic cathedrals have hermetic and alchemical secrets encoded into their architecture and sculptures. In 1957, a second edition appeared, and included an extra chapter on the significance of a monument in the town of Hendaye in the Pyrenees. The monument - an engraved pedestal with a pillar and engraved cross - was built around 1680, and you can find pictures of it at item 37. Monument to the End of Time, is a thorough exposition of the hidden meaning encoded into this Hendaye Cross.
The authors have traced the alchemical thread back to Egypt; to the first Gnostic groups, and re-exposed the fact that behind alchemy lies a triple transmutation - inner, outer and time. The inner transmutation is the refining of the psycho-sexual energies and fluids; the outer is using the inner change to transmute physical states; the third is the same transmutation applied to the whole Earth, changing the Age of Iron to the Age of Gold. The 4 ages - Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron relate to the 26,000-year cycle of precession, with the Fall occurring when the Tree (the celestial axis, or earth's rotational axis), points away from the centre of the galaxy. "Resurrection"or "redemption", occurs when the Tree points towards the centre of the galaxy. This is the point when the "sparks of light" - our souls as fragments of God - return to the source.
The thread is traced from ancient Egypt to the Coptic Church, the Gnostics, the Hebrews, Islaam (the Sufis), the Order of Sion, and the Knights Templar, the grail romances, the tarot, and, with increasing persecution of heretics, the engraving of cathedrals, and finally, the Rosicrucian movement.
The 4 engravings on the pedestal are found to refer to the 4 tarot trumps; The Star; The Moon; The Sun, and Judgement. The pillar is the Djed, or Earth's rotational axis ( Moira Timms has already pointed this out see Raising the Djed). The two "x" engravings refer to the winding of the ecliptic and the equinoctial points, plus trump 20, judgement. The "ocruxaves pesunica" engraving means "the secret concerns a cross and a snake which somehow measures the 12th part". When combined, these clues (along with clues from the kabbalistic Tree of Life, whose 22 paths correlate to the 22 tarot trumps), the authors conclude that half a precessional cycle ago, the spring equinox fell on the cusp of Leo/Virgo; 12,960 years later, in 2002, the autumn (fall) equinox will be in the same position. The planetary attributions of the tarot trumps, combined with the orientation of the faces of the monument confirms that 22 September 2002 is the date in question. Trump 14, temperance (Alchemy), correlates to the direction of Galactic centre, while trump 21, the World, correlates to the opposing Galactic edge.
Fulcanelli implies that the cross at Hendaye signifies a "fatal period" of a "double catastrophe". If autumn equinox 2002 is the mid-point of a 20-year period (the XX engraving implies this), this may imply the last katun of the Mayan "Great Cycle"(13-Baktun cycle), since this is the nearest autumn equinox to the katun mid-point (12 Feb 2003, Long Count date*. The authors were stunned to discover that Paul LaViolette has been warning the world of just such a double catastrophe, in the form of a galactic core explosion, which he already tentatively linked to the 2012 end-point (see item 48). The first effects would be "electromagnetic shifts...crustal torque, pole shifts, tidal waves and high winds", the second catastrophe would be "an explosion of the sun's corona caused by the influx of cosmic dust pushed by the galactic superwave".
Fulcanelli also said that the inscription "ocruxaves pesunica" revealed a place of refuge. By clues from Fulcanelli, the authors arrived at 2 anagrams: Inca cave, Cusco, Peru, and Hail to the Cross at Urcos. The authors were again amazed to find not only caves at Cusco, but a nearby town called Urcos with a cross. Sadly, the original cross had been destroyed, but they concluded that the place of refuge may be either the caves at Cusco, or the legendary tunnels under the Andes, if someone finds an entrance.
The authors suggest that we should learn to "weave" our "Bardo or transitional body into nicely fractal flows of self-awareness" simply by meditating on compassion, as suggested by the work of Itzhak Bentov (Bentov explains in Stalking the wild Pendulum p.33-36 & 54-56 that in meditative states, the breathing is so gentle that it no longer interferes with the feedback of the aorta, allowing the system to become resonant, allowing the whole body to resonate at the same frequency as the earth - 7.8 Hz. How this is affected by the increasing rate of Schumann resonance (item 32) remains to be researched). We shall thus be ready to be "harvested", to become a soul inhabiting a star, like the pharaohs of Egypt (see Star Birth Bardo in the Body of Orion). The Paris Papyrus gives some clues that the transformational process may be triggered by the light from the glow of the exploding galactic centre, triggering a cerebro-chemical outpouring which fuels an internal light that externalizes as "the shining light or star body of imperishable quality". The authors suggest that we need to prepare by performing a ceremony every equinox, in which the kabbalistic tree of life is "projected onto the Celestial sphere", a technique developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
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A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross reveals the deepest secret of western occultism that the alchemical transformation of base metal into gold is also the transformation of Iron Age into Golden Age. The secret of alchemy is also the secret of the apocalypse, the catastrophic unveiling of the cosmic mystery. Beginning with the work of Fulcanneli, the 20th century's most enigmatic alchemist and his intriguing message of this approaching apocalypse, the book ranges from the small Basque resort town of Hendaye, where the Cross still stands a few feet from the village square, to the western front of Notre Dame de Paris, the Pyrenees, ancient Egypt, the origin of Atlantis in South America and beyond, to the center of our galaxy and the secret of time. With its wealth of multi-disciplinary scholarship, A Monument to the End of Time provides a completely new insight on the ancient wisdom of alchemy. Decoding the message held by the Cyclic Cross of Hendaye, provided for posterity by a secretive group of initiates hidden in the Pyrenees, this loose thread on the tapestry of history points to a "fatal season" when a "double catastrophe" will try the northern hemisphere with fire Judgment Day, in other words.Exploring in depth the history of alchemy's involvement with eschatology and illuminated astronomy, A Monument to the End of Time follows the secret from Alexandria to the façade of the Gothic cathedrals, where Fulcanelli demonstrates that the secret has always been hidden in plain sight. The Cross at Henadaye's message reveals that we are now living in that "fatal season." It also reveals that this season is intimately connected to our solar system's alignment with the center of the galaxy. Drawing upon the work of John Major Jenkins, Wilhelm Reich and Paul La Violette, A Monument to the End of Time suggests that these periodic alignments may in fact be the harbinger or origin of the earth's precessionally timed, cyclic catastrophes. Part of the Cross' message points to Peru, where evidence exists that the ancient culture of the Altiplano was actually that of Atlantis, and in a small valley near Cuzco an indigenous culture still lives in a mythical galactic Cross. From "Atlantis" the book returns to ancient Egypt, and places the fragments of astro-alchemy back into its original context as part of the ancient sacred science, before the concluding chapter ties up the loose ends by returning to the riddle of Fulcanelli and the mysterious alchemists in the Pyrenees with their message of approaching catastrophe.
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