Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Dear Reader, This is an excellent book whose virtues I cannot begin to cite except to say that it is good and cheap. Namely, it is here terribly misrepresented in price and availability. It is in print, has never been out of print, and the list price new is thirty-four fifty. If the dear chaps at Amazon have not got the point after seven or eight years of listing it, despite years of advisories, be advised for your part that it can be ordered at the correct price through various Jamestown related websites of the Jamestown APVA or Jamestown Settlement or Colonial Williamsburg, or the Library of Virginia gift shop, and so on, or even through the publisher itself. Why then is it listed here? My friend, a book not listed here does not exist in the lexicon of literature. And who knows. There may be a turnaround. The information did correct itself for a whole week I believe back in 2002. Yours, Th' Pres't of the Co'cil of Virg.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Jamestown Narratives: Eyewitness Accounts of the Virginia Colony: The First Decade: 1607-1617
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