Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)This book was so boring I couldn't get through it. The plot moved far too slowly, and we were given lots of detailed prose about aspects of the story that weren't very interesting. Normally romantic thrillers are lacking in either the romance department or the thriller department. This book was lacking in both. The main characters were two-dimensional. Instead of letting us get inside the characters and learn who they really were, we were just given the cut-and-dried facts about their pasts. The author apparently expected us to assume things about the characters from their backgrounds. As a result, I didn't care about either of the main characters, or about what was going to happen to them. Sabrina and Dylan had absolutely no chemistry!! If you hadn't known this was a romance, you wouldn't have known that they were supposed to be attracted to each other. So even though their first kiss came very late in the book, it still seemed premature, because up to that point neither character had had a single romantic thought about the other. As far as the "thriller," it was boring. I couldn't have cared less who shot Carson Brooks. Again, without any insight into his character, I had no feelings about him one way or the other. Also, the author used this irritating technique of giving information about the characters through lengthy stretches of dialogue. The dialogue ended up seeming contrived and unrealistic as a result. Sorry that I spent ${munnies}on this poorly written book.
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